27th February 2022

Day Trip – Toomulla 2022

It appears that the club has a keen interest in beach driving, as when we all met up at 8am at the meeting point on Sunday 27 February we had 15 vehicles ready to explore Toomulla Beach.

As the organiser, Ross went over the safety briefing before we set off driving the winding tracks that led to the beach. Along the way there were a few muddy water holes and for the most part, we all found the right path to takeā€¦ except one vehicle. As all the vehicles went around one particular vehicle decided to go straight ahead and within seconds the vehicle sunk up to their windows. Without hesitation they reversed out without the need for assistance.

As we hit the beach, it was a 3km drive up as far as we could go where a few had a quick swim before we all turned around to find the alternate track to the other side of the beach.

Hanging around here for about 30min, we then went inland again for some of the brave to test their skills on the steep incline hills.

One adventurous member went solo down the other side of some very treacherous slopes until the vehicle bottomed out and needed to be winched out. First trying a sapling which ended up on its side, then another vehicle was used as a tow point.

After all vehicles had their fun, it was off again for some very muddy paths before all converging at the
Toomulla camping area for a bite to eat and some story telling.

Fantastic job by Ross to ensure that everyone was safe and we didnā€™t get lost in the bushlands surrounding Toomulla.

Trip Report: Rick

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