21st August 2021

Ravenswood Cemetery clean up

On Saturday 21 August 2021, our Club completed another successful clean-up of Ravenswood cemetery which we have been volunteering for nearly 20 years.

Several members arrived at the showgrounds on Friday. We found the new access to the Cemetery in the midst of mining development as the old access had been closed. Some went to one of the hotels for dinner.

On Saturday morning after a briefing, 19 members started the clean-up, and in spite of the grounds not being mowed as requested, the graves looked really good on completion. All was done in about 2 hours.

Ravenswood Cemetery Cleanup – Townsville & Regional 4×4 Club. Photo ©Rick Monk

The cemetery is now surrounded by mining licences and unfortunately Ravenswood has lost its historic nature. One wonders how long the Cemetery will remain before it collapses into a mining pit.

After showers and some going to the pub for lunch, the rest relaxed after a job well done and then was time to light the fire to get some coals for those using camp
ovens for various meals.

Many thanks to all those who attended and brought whipper snippers, rakes, and other items, and also for the trailer to put all the weeds in from the clean-up and also to collect fire-wood from the Clare Road.

The strong breeze caused a little problem, but a sheet of tin found helped. Others cooked meals on various cooking pots. Dinner was served and we all enjoyed the wide variety of delicious meals. Voting was then carried out with 2 points for first choice and 1 point for second choice. All meals received votes which indicated how good the meals were.

The winners were announced and will be presented with the trophy at AGM dinner. The fire kept those who stayed on warm.

We were all a bit slow to go on Sunday morning which was understandable and after packing up we departed with some travelling back via the Clare Road and the others via the blacktop.

Trip Report: Warren | Photos: Rick Monk

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