Our social calendar kicks off each year with a New Year Breakfast – members get together inm mid-January to discuss upcoming events and catch up after the festive break. This is a great opportunity for visitors to come along and get to know the members and ask questions about the club.
The Club Committee has a few of members dedicated to organising social events during the year. These events are scheduled into the Trip calendar in advance and can be either a day/night outing from Townsville or arranged as part of a weekend away.
We love our campfires and the culinary delights that go with it, a highlight of the Social Calendar is the Annual Camp Oven Cook Off, there has also been some awesome International dinner nights held over the years.
Lots more fun and games are organised throughout the year, with the grand finale being the Christmas Party which gives members a chance to add a little sparkle to their Campsites and challenge themselves with an interactive game’s night – which is limited only by the imagination of the social committee!